Support Us

​Heroes Campaign

As a family affected by childhood cancer, you know firsthand the importance of raising awareness and funds to help support childhood cancer research and programs.

If your child is fighting cancer, in remission or has sadly passed away, you may consider setting up a campaign to give back in their honor.

Why Start a Fund-raising Campaign

​Share your individual journey and feature your hero’s story on our website. A tribute page is a way to honor a child or adult by raising funds for charity in their name

Setting Up Your Campaign

We rely very much on donations from our fundraisers, to help fund our programs, so your support is greatly appreciated.

Setting up a campaign page is often the easiest way to raise funds.  We make it easy and seamless to you and your supporters.  You create your page with your story and the message you would like to share with your donors.  We will walk you through the easy set up process.

Once page is set up, it allows you to share on social media with your family, friends and co-workers

Supporters can donate online, receive an automated Thank You and a tax-deductible receipt.

Contact us and we will get you started right away

Email us today: [email protected]
Disclosure, the funds raised are unrestricted to support the work and charitable objectives of Sarah’s Fight for Hope Foundation through raising awareness of childhood cancer, fund research and provide support to families.
Sarah’s Fight for Hope agrees, 100% of funds raised will be strictly used to support programs